
Sneaker giant website refresh.
For this project, I was tasked with overseeing the redesign of the Size? website homepage with the goal of modernising its look and feel to align with current design trends. Leading the design team we aimed to create a fresh and innovative design that pushed the brand's identity forward while still appealing to its target audience.
Senior Designer
Creative direction, UX design, UI design
During the project's discovery meeting with our Creative Director and Head of Marketing, it became clear that a crucial goal was to improve the current site's responsiveness and develop a design solution that enables us to present our content in a cleaner more modern way.
So, after taking a good look at the current Size? website, it was clear that it had become outdated and cluttered over time. Whilst researching I validated that going for a full-width, responsive layout would be a perfect way to not only make it look better but also keep up with current e-commerce trends.
With our in-house content being a key differentiator from our competitors, we wanted to create a design that would allow it to shine. So, we opted for a clean and simple header and navigation that would frame our content beautifully. The result was a stunning homepage that drew users in and kept them engaged. In fact, we saw an immediate improvement in user metrics, including increased time spent on the page and lower bounce rates.
When presented with the opportunity to update the homepage design, we wanted to take it one step further and improve the user experience of the site as much as possible whilst we had the development resources available to us. We decided to revamp the navigation UX/UI to make it more user-friendly. Drawing inspiration from current e-commerce UX patterns, we implemented a mega navigation menu that is both fully responsive and includes a content spot for new releases or promotions. This addition not only improved the user experience, but it also increased engagement with our content and boosted sales.
As developers were a limited resource within the JD group, we recognised the chance to improve the product pages while working on the homepage redesign. We focused on streamlining the gallery shot formatting, enhancing the information hierarchy, and optimising the "add to bag" call-to-action, ensuring it stands out and invites users to make a purchase. These improvements led to an increase in conversion rates and overall user engagement.
The mobile design was a key consideration throughout the project, as we recognized the growing importance of mobile commerce. To ensure a seamless user experience, we adapted the content layout to work seamlessly on smaller screens, with 2 and 3 column layouts collapsing into a single column as needed. The mega navigation menu was converted into a sleek burger menu, while the top icons were transformed into a convenient app-style toolbar, maintaining consistency with the desktop design language. The end result was a highly polished and optimised mobile experience that helped to drive engagement and sales.