Size? blog

Spaces in-between blog
My task was to develop a digital platform that would serve as a hub for the content presented in our publication Spaces In-between. Our objective was to create a space where we could share stories, present new releases, and showcase look books. We ensured that the blog was fully responsive and incorporated design elements that aligned with the size? website to provide a cohesive and uninterrupted experience for the user while navigating between the two.
Senior Designer
Creative direction, UX design, UI design
To begin the project, I held a discovery meeting with our creative manager, head of marketing, and the rest of the team. We collaborated on research and identified key features, including a 3-column layout, infinite scroll, and mobile responsiveness, that we all agreed were necessary for the project.
We did some research to get a better understanding of what features and layouts would work best for our blog. Then, we got down to wireframing the layout, using a 3-column design and infinite scroll, while keeping mobile responsiveness in mind.
The design concept was to align with the size? website to reinforce the brand as users moved between spaces. Content was tagged with 6 categories and a clear link back to the store was provided at all times.

For mobile users, we opted for a 2-column layout that easily stacks and endless scrolling, mimicking social media UI patterns to create a seamless browsing experience. This eliminated the need for site pagination and kept the content flowing without any interruption.